Tuesday, September 18, 2007

1 Cor 9:25-27: Discipline

Discipline seems like a foreign topic. Moving from dance to technology was like changing worlds. In dance, you have to take care of your body, and devote a majority of your time to improving yourself, constantly keeping movement in the back of your mind, correcting your posture, working out muscle kinks before they can become an issue, changing positions before that slight discomfort becomes a stretched ligament or tense muscle...

People think I'm naturally gifted in movement, sports and computer science. All of the freedom and agility I now enjoy are a result of years of intense training. I'm still constantly trying new things and doing things that are just a little beyond my reach or patience to improve.

Paul speaks to two steps in these verses. Train to win. Apply your skills to win. I like the bit about it not being aimless. It seems that a well defined goal and a fair amount of discipline are essential to being effective. Perhaps that ever-delayed daily devotional or often shunned ministry opportunity are things that require a examples of a lack of discipline.
