Tuesday, September 18, 2007

1 Cor 9:7-14 - Get Some

vs 9, Don't keep the workhorse from enjoying the hope and results of its labor as it works.
For me, this touches on one of the issues I've had as an artist in the church. When I danced for various studios, I expected compensation for my efforts. When I danced, sang, played the drums and so on for the church, I always had issues with accepting compliments/gratification. For some reason, I had it in my head that it was wrong to accept gifts or payment for the services I provided. Even outside the church, I had a really difficult time accepting cash from someone I helped out with computer issues. This passage sort of sets my mind at ease because it sounds like he's saying not only is it acceptable to accept gratuities, those who devote the energy they would have otherwise spent in search of funds for food have the right to such payments. Granted, it's a right he wouldn't demand, nor would I, but it means that I don't have to feel bad about gifts.


1 comment:

Ben said...


but you know, from the title "Get Some" I thought you were going to comment on something else... O:~)